blue in red

Entah kenapa aku sedih banget denger lagu ini
Owl City: If my heart was a house

yea Im wearing red dress but i feel navy blue….

mungkin karena aku ingat kesendirianku.
seseorang yang menungguku tanpa batas
seseorang yang slalu mengharapkanku dengan cemas
seseorang yang ingin gendonganku tak pernah lepas
seseorang yang ingin aku menjadi tegas

Bisakah kumenjadi apa yang mereka harapkan?
haruskah kubagi hatiku dengan wujudku yang hanya satu?

Ya Alloh, aku ingin menangis sejadi-jadinya.
Aku ingin berteriak lepas
Kapan aku akan merasakan lagi duniaku yang bebas
tanpa beban yang menekan
tanpa raga yang kecapaian

Aku ingin menjadi istimewa,
berada di suatu tempat di dasar hatiMu
aku ingin cahyaMu menaungiku
melepaskanku dari cengkraman nafsu

Aku ingin membahagiakan mereka semua, dengan segala keterbatasanku, dengan segala KuasaMu
semua bilang itu tak mungkin,
tapi aku memintaMu
aku memohon padaMu
bagiMu semua mudah
maka kabulkanlah

i walk slowly when im on my own
yeah, but frankly i still feel alone
so, i may as well ditch my dimay
bombs away

circle me n the needle moves gracefully
back n forth, if my heart was a compass u’d be North
risk it all, cause i’ll catch u if u fall, whereever u go, if my heart was a house u’d be home

get stuck

ga….siapa yg bilang itu cuma mimpi…
aku menyelusuri bakat menulisku…sampai mana sih?
benarkah aku cuma pemimpi, pengkhayal menjadi seorang penulis prof…

dan ternyata aku sering terjebak ke dalam mimpi buruk yang dinamakan ‘get stuck’…bukan karena gada ide buat nulis, tapi karena takut tulisanku tidak sesempurna yang orang lain inginkan.
pikiranku didominasi oleh akan seberapa antusiaskah orang lain membaca tulisan2ku…
maka yang terjadi adalah kekosongan…aku dah lama ga posting, padahal draft2 sudah ada, meskipun masih acak2an…
bukankah bisa diedit kapan aja…
pleaseeeee…somebody help me….
I wanna be a real writer…
not only in my dream

dimensi waktu

jika aku terhisap ke dalam lubang hitam besar bernama dimensi waktu,
aku mungkin tak akan bisa dilihat. atau bisa jadi aku kembali menjadi tiada.
dan ketika aku tiada, aku akan jadi apa? atau ada dimana?
bagaimana jika aku tidak pernah diciptakan?

Allohu Akbar, aku tak pernah sampai pada jawaban bagaimana jika aku tidak ada…

Sesungguhnya, ktka aku lahir ke dunia, apakah itu adalah waktu dimana aku sebenarnya hanyalah sebuah titik yang bisa dihapus kapan saja.
Lalu apa tujuanku? knapa aku mesti lahr k dunia?
untuk apa aku hidup?
mensyukuri nikmat dengan menjalani hidup dan mengikuti ujian2nya hingga aku lulus dan kembali padaNya..
Dan ktika aku sudah kembali lalu apa?
dimensi waktu yang tak pernah terbayangkan, ktika nanti aku akan hidup selamanya
tidak, kali ini takkan kubiarkan sia2…aku ingin hidupku mulia, aku ingin berada di dekatNya agar bsa kumengerti knapa hal ini harus terjadi

Breaking Dawn, Breaking Hearts

I thought I had stopped. I hope I had :(..I hate n tired to be a part of twihards…heheh
Well, this unstable handsome guy (red: yg kadang cakeup kadang ga banget) if I may read by his character is somewhat similar to his real personality in the world we know, Rob Pattinson. He’s so cool haha..
Yeaaa…Edward ever felt heartbroken coz his girl was undecided dealing with the man she cared (see Newmoon n Eclipse). Jacob Black was all the reason. Though in the story, he’s quite fortunate by marrying the woman he wanted.
Vice versa, in real life, Rob was suddenly beaten up by the cheating scandal of his ex-onscreen romanced girl, Kristen Stew with her SWATH director , Rupert Sander.

How hilarious that Breaking Dawn is Breking Hearts…:p

Well, lately I read this news, n I hope it will give the twihards a lil relief…
read this

sooo, let alone the rumors, what exactly happen in real life won’t change the immortality of Edward n Bella’s love..
once u’ve got the feeling of dissapointment…just replay the Twilight Saga movies,,,n smile like me…hehehe

‘bendahara’ dalam bhs Inggris

pernahkah kalian puyeng mikirin terjemahan yg paling cucok u/ sebuah istilah dlm b. Inggris..?
gak cuma satu miss…buanyaaaaak kali rek…
apalagi yg namane bhs tuh, ga bisa diterjemahin sembarangan

Prinsipnya sih, what is supposed to change is the form and the code and what should remain unchanged is the meaning and the message. (Larson, 1984)
Meaningnya gan mesti nemu yg paling pas n ga rancu getoo…

so, seringkali sulit kan menemukan padanan kata yg tepat untuk suatu istilah yang tidak lazim dipakai. misal kata ‘door price” ..tentunya ga bisa dunk diartiin ” harga pintu” .tapi identiknya sama ‘hadiah kejutan’…ye ye…:D

so, gimana dgn kata ‘bendahara’? yg pasti kaitane sama financial atau itung2an…apakah accountant? atau financial board? atau financial manager?
gw aga2 ragu tuh pas mesti bikin struktur organisasi kursus b. Inggris dlm bhs Inggris…
nah akhirnya aku temuin tuh site yg ngasih gambaran ttg pertanyaan aqiuh..inget2 pas gw lagi gawe d Tsel, maslah organisasi2an n tetek bengeknya adalah hafalan wajib tiap bulan u/ persiapan audit…yow…ehehe..inget Kebijakan Mutu n Sarmut aka Sasaran Mutu. Visi Misi Tsel dkk…ikut test 100 soal tiap bulan barijeung kadang suka maen joki2an..ah old times…

back to the matter lagee…’s a financial manager..which is dalam keberjalanan ane sebagai sekretaris newbie di lembaga kursus b. Inggris ane, ujug2 ditengah perjalanan sang bendahari undur diri dan gw ditunjuk u/ mlanjutkan tugas bliow…secara gw ga bisa manaj mslh perakunan, walhasil pas laporan pertanggungjawaban, ane klabakan dgn format2 n itung2an…
bisnis, ekonomi n akuntasi…ketiga hal itu yg masih jd PR ane bwt ditaklukin…bukankah Rosululloh seorang enterpreneur? bukankah bliow jg bisa dibilang seorang CEO sejati? …eheheh…
mantep2…I must learn more n more…

So, here is everything bout ‘a financial manager’

A financial manager is in charge of the functions involving money in a large or small organization. While answerable to corporate management or a board of directors, he or she holds authority over decisions regarding income, costs, payroll, investments, mergers, and acquisitions. Often, this person will work closely with other members of the management team on matters that can affect the financial health of the organization. Corporate money managers are perhaps the most common type of financial manager, but most organizations that deal with large amounts of capital, including non-profits and governments, need one.
Types of Financial Managers

The title of “financial manager” is a catch-all that describes a wide variety of positions; the actual job titles vary depending on the person’s duties and the organization’s management structure. Those at or near the top of the corporate ladder may be called treasurers, finance officers, or controllers, and their influence often extends outside the financial realm. Cash managers and credit managers, by contrast, deal with the specifics of day-to-day cash and credit flow. Risk managers and insurance managers handle the uncertainties of economics, including stock trade, insurance and legal issues.
Specific Duties

The financial manager monitors every aspect of an organization’s finances, and typically oversees the employees who work in this area. This person prepares and delivers statements and reports that summarize the company’s financial activity to interested parties inside and outside the organization. He or she also consults with tax attorneys and prepares tax statements and payments. In corporate finance, the job may include making recommendations to management on matters such as cost reduction and the feasibility of merging with or acquiring other companies.
Laws and Regulations

In addition to the in-house requirements of their organizations, these managers must ensure that all financial activity complies with local and national regulations. In many countries, a complex set of laws is in place to prevent financial malfeasance, and financial managers can find themselves held accountable for the unethical behavior of their clients, even if they are only consultants. In 2002, for example, the accounting firm, Arthur Andersen, was linked to the financial misdeeds of its corporate client, Enron, and both companies shut down as a result.
Skills and Education

A detailed knowledge of mathematics, economics, and all applicable laws is essential for people who work in financial management. A bachelor’s degree in finance or a related field is the minimum requirement, although individuals who plan to advance in their careers will often earn a master’s degree. People can also earn certification from a professional group such as the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute, but this is not required. Most important is a thorough understanding of how various activities affect an organization’s bottom line, and this knowledge can often best be learned through years of direct experience.

Finance management is usually a high-level position, and an aspiring financial manager is typically promoted to the position after working a related job, such as financial analyst, accountant, or auditor. Some companies do provide management training in finance. Many financial managers who work for large corporations were able to secure these jobs after successful stints with smaller companies in the same capacity.

As an executive, an ambitious financial manager may be able to advance to a corporate position such as vice president of finance or chief financial officer (CFO) or another management role. On the other hand, some individuals prefer to start their own consulting firms in accounting, investment, or related fields. Their detailed knowledge of corporate management can be an advantage when running their own companies.

financial manager

what on earth…

one of my private massagers said once “Change ur name! it only gives u a bad luck coz people just tend to use u for their own sakes”
What on earth? sok tewu bangedh seh lo….
nyayu, nyanyay, anyay, gilang, jubei, ummu aisyah, foxny, farah, katzel, miew….it’s just names of mine…so what?
just one thing I agree with that massager…: people tend to use me…yeaaahhh..

kae skrng aku dilematis dgn permintaan orang2. baru aja mamahku bilang: tong..tong digugu…kacape2, kabegang2, kalieur2….
aku suka bantuin org2 n kerjaanku di rumah numpuk ft. acakadut. what on earth?
apa aku ingin diliat orang? kpake sm orang? atau ga enak sm orang?
klu menyiksa diri kae gini…hwaaaaaaa…aku pengen teriak di puncak gunung jayawijaya n say : Noooooooooooooo, what on earth? what the heaven….? gw punya sgudang urusan yg belum rampung, kalian kira gw slalu punya waktu buat kalian?heh?

apaan sih?…katanya biar pekerjaan itu ternilai, smuanya mesti ikhlas karena Alloh, no more.
n now I’m trying to do that…sok, lah boleh minta dibantuin apapun sm gw…tapi sori dori bori bleki si milikiti…gw cuma bisa banto lo klu gw punya waktu n kerjaan gw dah kelar…lo mu kecewe, monggoh, lu mw pundung…silahken, lo mu marah, pek baeh..EGPYPAR…Emang Gw Pikirin (coy), Yg Penting Alloh Ridho…

merdekaaa!!! falah!!! gw cuma mau diperintah sm Alloh,RosulNya dan pemimpinkuuuh…huhu….ehehe…aamiin ^_^…no more great expectationsfor me yow guyz…

brand new nyayu

bismillah…here I come

jiwa petualanganku sepertinya tengah membuncah saat ini. saat dimana aku muak dengan facebook dan berpaling ke twitter, saat aku melupakan blog2 tak menarikku dan membuat yang baru.

saat dimana aku mencari ttg tae kwon do di wikipedia dan berniat untuk ikut gabung. saat dimana aku tak memerdulikan fakta bahwa aku sudah tua…ahahah

tidak, banyak kok orang yg mengira aku masih muda….hihi…dan mengira aku begitu sibuk.dengan aktivitas k skul setiap hari, ngelola lembaga kursus dan bantu ini itu bagi mereka yg suka nanya2…gaaaa….aku msh ada wktu untuk mencoba wordpress, aku masih punya waktu untuk mencoba tae kwon do, melukis, menulis, atau menatap lekat2 layar TV ktika ada race motogp…

aku belajar bahwa masih banyak hal yang masih bisa kul…sesuatu yang benar2 kusuka tanpa ada paksaan.

bukankah menyenangkan klau smuanya bisa kulakukan…tanpa merusak harpan orang2 terhadapkuh>



sooo, this is a brand new nyayu…

enjoy my galaxy