RPatz n KStew reconciliation

i have died everyday waiting 4 u,
baby dont be afraid i have loved u, 4 a thousand year n a thousand more …(C. Perry-A thousand year)

Hi, Twihard…twimoms, twigurls, n twiguyz….^^
You must be dying for this latest news…

Yeps, it’s uhmmm..Rob n Kristen reconciliation..
It’s bizaaaare….”

since the scandal of KStew n her director of SWATH spread out in the media, n all those rumours, fake or true…it’s always breathe-taking of when the two wud hold back on their track…whether they mite get separated or impossibly get reunited..n maybe this is a lil sigh…^___^

read this

Yessss….Pat n Stew are reported having a dinner with some pals in The Soho House LA, last Saturday (Sept 29, 2012)
And they were like, holding hands, gigling, smiling as though nothing bad ever happened in their relationship.
Is it good, their reconciliation? or probably this is just another strategy to promote BD part 2? wud it may come to a dismay…that their reconciliation is untrue?
no, i dont wanna ever imagine that.
I just wanna see them smiling like this:

yeaaa, never mind, as long as they have an immortal love as Edward n Bella, nothing we should worry about. let alone them. it’s just too weird that we really concern on them…
it’s odd, isnt it? but we like it, just like their love story is our personal brand of heroin. As though they r my caffeine.

looking forward 4 another good news though…cant wait to see the movie

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